Every Step of the Way
This has been a long journey. My personal history with the Gong started over 40 years ago. This blog has been around for over 3 years/129 posts now. I haven't gotten this far without commitment every step of the way. Even when I'm tired, angry, frustrated, or any of a thousand seeming emotions, I can always come back to the sound. It is my life. It is my refuge. I'm not as young as I was all those years ago, and carrying around all these instruments and stands is not as easy as it once was. I complain. I Swear. I wonder why I'm still doing this. Atlas Shrugged But it all becomes clear when I pick up the mallets and start bringing forth the sounds: “This is why I continue to do this.” Who wouldn't want to do this? It's magic. It's amazing. It gives so much back for the effort I put into it. I have learned patience. I have learned devotion. I have developed a deep spiritual practice. And it's all connected to the sounds. It's