Of Gongs, Quantum Particles, Thoughts, and Realities
This is sort of a part 2 to last week's blog… This Fluid Universe Recent scientific experiments have shown that, on a quantum level, our own thoughts and expectations can influence the outcome of experiments. Science has also shown that the placebo effect is real. Patients given a placebo drug, believing it was the actual drug, report the same positive results as those given the actual drug. There is also a lot of scientific speculation as to the nature of alternate/parallel Universes/realities. Some people speculate that we could each be living multiple lives in different realities, and that these may crossover and affect each other. Others speculate that we could actually be living in some sort of Matrix like reality. EnlightenmentAs Breaking Through Many ancient religious texts talk about the illusionary nature of the Universe and that the idea of enlightenment is one of breaking through that illusion. We are also told that we can create our lives as we want to. A