Silence As A Tool
I have to thank my good friend, Kenny Kolter, for the idea for today's post. We were talking about using silence as a tool . It's an interesting concept that I fear many people making music, especially Gong & Bowl players, don't understand. Into The Realm Of Silence Silence is remarkable in its ability to actually reveal sound. So much music today, and much of the Gong playing I hear, is a non-stop barrage of sound. In that capacity, it's virtually impossible to distinguish individual sounds, to really hear what is going on. The human mind has the remarkable ability to shut off unrelenting sounds, or noise, after a short time. Invite silence into your playing. Photo © Michael Bettine Think of the street construction in front of your house. At first you find it irritating and loud, but after a while, your mind tunes it out and you barely notice it anymore. The same with the neighbor's lawn mower, busy street traffic, or living by an airport. All thes