Miking Your Gongs/Bells/Bowls In Larger Rooms - Part 2
OK, let's look at some ideas about mics for Gongs/Bowls/Bells. Whether you are using your own sound system, or using the house/rental system, the first thing to under stand is that the old stand by mic, the Sure SM-57, just won't do. I know, they're inexpensive and everyone has them, but they're the totally wrong mic for Gongs/Bowls/Bells. Great on drums, not great on Gongs. Drum mics are not Gong mics. The thing is, drums have a very limited frequency range that is mostly in the mids, with some lows. Gongs/Bowls/Bells are more in the upper frequencies, with larger Gongs moving into the mids and lows, covering the full spectrum. So yes, you can use an SM-57, or similar drum mike, but it will short change your sound. So don't do it unless that's all you have to work with. Sure SM-57 frequency response Above is the frequency chart for the Sure SM-57. The line represents the frequencies picked up by the mic, starting with the low/bass on the left,