Subtle Shades of Sound
S o, after the sort of speed bump distraction of the past week, let's get back to the Heart of things… If you work with Singing Bowls and/or Gongs, I highly suggest that you buy and read Frank Perry's wonderful book, Himalayan Sound Revelations . While it's about mainly Singing Bowls, there is much that can also be applied to Gongs. I'm only half way through it, and it's already made a big impact on my approach to Sound and my instruments. Inspired by Frank's research into the tunings and harmonics of his Singing Bowls, I downloaded a couple of different chromatic tuner apps on my iPhone. I have now been going through my collection of Gongs, Bells, Bowls, and Sound Plates finding out their various pitches and harmonics. This has become a rather involved process, where I am taking readings on each instrument with multiple mallets, with each one bringing out different tones. There are some subtle differences in harmonics when using different mallets