I Don't Know Everything (And Never Will)

The deeper I get into this sound thing, the more I realize that I don't know. Even after all these years of playing with sound, I still find new sounds, new vibrations, everyday. Playing the Gongs/Bowls/Bells can be compared to things like Yoga, exercise, etc. You don't practice Yoga, or workout, and then one day stop, because you have reached your ideal weight, or some sort of goal. If you do stop, for most people, everything that you worked for will eventually start to fade away. 

Playing the Gongs/Bowls/Bells is the same way. No one can ever reach a point where they can honestly say, “I've done it all, created all the sounds I ever can.” It's an ongoing process. The last few performances I did, found me doing a lot of things I've never done before and creating new and different sounds. While these things happened in the moment, none of them were by accident. They were all the result of years of hard work and exploration with the instruments I have.

I keep at it. I keep practicing, refining both the sounds I make, and my ears (so I can be even more aware of the subtle vibrations around me). I also read whatever I can find on sound, meditation, new instruments, new techniques, etc. I also read what many of my contemporaries write and watch their videos. There's so much to learn, so much to know.

The minute you think you know it all, or have it down, something will come along showing you that you don't have it all together. 

Stay open.
Keep seeking.
Keep exploring.

~ MB

Chop Wood / Carry Water / Play Gongs™


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